The Battle for Light

GalleriaKONE Hämeenlinna

These exhibitions are based on my stay at the Arts Promotion Centre Finland residence in Genoa, Italy, in the autumn of 2014. Staglieno is a monumental sculpture park and cemetery in Genoa. The name of the exhibition refers to the cemetery paths and also on a more abstract level to the dance of death. The La Danza Macabra theme also symbolizes many other confrontations in life or public policy: light and darkness constantly battling for seasons and the human mind. A battle for the light of sense also seems to be going on in our society. Many of the Enlightenment ideals regarding human rights and equality – and even democracy – are being tested on a daily basis. The Battle for Light also refers to the battle in favor of a policy that the burden of the weakest should be shared in accordance with the ideals of a welfare state. In my Ecce Homo series I wonder whether it is possible to see the surface as well as beyond the surface – the flesh, blood and bones – at the same time and what one sees then.


Terra Incognita / 2017


Janus & Justitia II / 2014